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資料庫緣起 Overview
The discourse on Austronesia originated in linguistic research. The word “Austronesia” consists of two cognates; “austro” stems from the Latin root austrālis ‘of the south,’ whereas “nesia” stems from the Greek root nesos ‘islands.’ As such, “Austronesia” is the collective term for the multitude of islands scattered across the South Pacific Ocean. Linguists have discovered certain similarities between the languages spoken in this region, and there is even evidence of commonalities. After decades of research, linguists now formally categorize these similar languages as the Austronesian languages, indicating that these “closely related” languages belong to the same language family.
According to linguists and anthropologists, the Austronesian language family is the most widespread language family in the world. It ranges as far north as Taiwan, west to Madagascar, east to Easter Island, and south to New Zealand. We can see from the description above that, within the field of linguistic studies, “Austronesia” is a geographical term that describes the distribution of this language family. There hasn’t been any universal agreement among linguists and anthropologists that ancient Austronesian languages originated from the same source. However, “Taiwan being the origin of Austronesian Peoples” is a relatively popular belief among scholars.
In recent years, the increasing awareness of indigenous peoples’ rights and discussions have aligned Taiwan’s indigenous movements with global indigenous discourses. The discourse “Taiwan is the origin of Austronesian peoples” not only serves as a platform for Taiwan’s international diplomatic outreach but also a network for local indigenous peoples seeking cross-country and cross-region exchange of experiences regarding current development while offering support to each other.
This database was created to facilitate understanding of Austronesian regional culture, history, status of different societies, as well as political and economic issues. Considering the comprehensiveness and availability of information, this database is open to local and global researchers and the general public. The objective is to continue promoting Austronesian studies and deepen people’s understanding of Austronesian issues.
館藏特色 Features
- (1)「研究者列表」:
以研究者的區域研究和學科作為篩選對象,並搭配關鍵字搜尋和字順索引系統,方便使用者區分欲瞭解的對象、研究者基本資料。 - (2)「著作列表」:
收錄「研究者列表」中的學者之著作資訊,方便使用者快速篩選具關鍵字相關聯的人員與資料、著作資訊中亦提供該著作的外部連結。 - (3)「研究者服務單位列表」:
以研究者服務單位作為歸類對象,使用者能依服務單位作點選並快速查找具相關聯的研究者。 - (4)「研究機構列表」:
提供研究機構外部連結,並以研究機構所在地與研究領域作為篩選對象搭配關鍵字搜尋,方便使用者查詢。 - (5)「期刊列表」:
以期刊的研究主題作為篩選對象並搭配關鍵字搜尋和字順索引系統,方便使用者區分欲瞭解的期刊資訊、點選所欲瞭解的期刊並快速轉入本資料庫為該期刊所提供的資訊。 - (6)「學位論文列表」:
收錄世界各大學研究南島的學位論文,提供使用者對目前已有的南島研究主題概況了解,以作後續延伸研究。 - (7)「綜合資料網站列表」:
The Austronesian Studies E-Resources Gateway builds up collections incrementally. The following order, Pacific Islands, Southeast Asia, Taiwan, and Madagascar, is applied to collect relevant data. With diverse Austronesian data available, this online platform aims to enable search functionalities and access to external data via links provided for users’ reference and use.
This database is categorized into seven search query lists.
- Researcher List
Researchers are filtered by their area studies and disciplines. Keywords and alphabetic indexes are in place for users to locate researchers and their basic information.
- Publication List
Publication information by scholars in the “Researcher List” is highlighted for users to find relevant authors and data with keywords. The publication information also includes an external link to such publication.
- Affiliation List
Researchers’ affiliations are added to the list so that users can click on any affiliation for more information and quickly find relevant researchers.
- Research Institution List
The list provides external links to research institutions, where query may be directed via location or research areas, coupled with a keyword system.
- Journal List
The search can be diverted by study area of a journal. A keyword system and alphabetical indexes are also incorporated to help users identify the journal in question, click the journal, and land on the official journal webpage provided by our database.
- Thesis and Dissertation List
Theses and dissertations on Austronesian studies from universities worldwide are collected to offer an overview of existing Austronesian subjects for future extensive research.
- General Website List
Major websites for academic resources of Austronesian studies are compiled and detailed, with their links attached.
未來展望 Future Prospects
The collection of overall or regional Austronesian literatures, including book series and government publications, will continue. The literature and data collected will be categorized and indexed as per topic in the hope of establishing a more comprehensive search engine for readers. Themed exhibitions on digital humanities and Austronesian history are being planned as part of our effort to promote Austronesian culture.
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